Panggilan Proposal Dana Newton Institutional Links – KLN 2018 di SIMLITABNAS

UK – Indonesia Science & Technology Fund: Newton Institutional Links –KLN 2018


Newton Fund with the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Ristekdikti/MoRTHE) opens the opportunity to support the joint research translation work that led by Indonesia – UK universities/research institutions. To also support the quality of Indonesia research, expected output of the project is international publication.


Submission period : 9 April 2018 – 8 June 2018

Duration of Grants : 12 Months

Funding Size : Up to £136,000 GBP, which consists of Newton Fund up to £80,000 GBP and KLN up to IDR 1.000.000,000 (approximately GBP 56.000)


1.) Food - Agriculture
2.) Integration of Energy Research New and Renewable 3.) Health and Medicine
4.) Transportation
5.) Information and Communication Technology
6.) Advanced Material
7.) Maritime
8.) Disaster Management
9.) Social Humanities – Art of Culture - Education

For Indonesia Principal Investigator 

Indonesian Principal Investigators has to be registered in Simlitabnas (Sistem Informasi Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Works at Indonesian Higher Education 
For other eligibility criteria of Indonesia PI, Please refer to SIMLITABNAS guidelines (Panduan Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat edisi xii Tahun 2018) page 22 through panduansimlitabnas2018 under Penelitian Dasar and Penelitian Terapan
In addition to joint report submission via Research fish, Indonesian applicants must also submit narrative and financial report to Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (MoRTHE)


Further Information : https://www.britishcouncil. id/en/programmes/education/ newton- fund/newton-institutional- links


The proposal must be submitted jointly, between principal applicant from the UK and principal applicant from Indonesia through British Council online application, for Indonesian applicants no need to apply separately to KLN