Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for Sustainable Development Goals: Launching a data revolution for the SDGs

Publikasi Sustainable Development Solutions Network

A report to the Secretary-General of the United Nations by the Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network


This report is the result of over 18 months of consultative work led by the SDSN with the contributions of nearly
500 organizations and thousands of individuals – draft versions of the report have so far been downloaded over
80,000 times. The SDSN Thematic Groups, a large number of UN agencies and other international institutions,
national statistical offices, civil society organizations, academia, and businesses have provided expert input that
has helped us improve the indicator framework. We are particularly grateful for the detailed comments received
during two public consultations, the first from February to March 2014, and the second in January 2015.
Comments submitted during these consultations and changes made to our report are provided on our website.
This is the final version of the report, though the list of Global Monitoring Indicators may be periodically updated
as experts agree on metrics or new ones are developed to fill the identified gaps. These updates will be made on
our new indicator web platform:

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