
Future Leaders Connect 2019

Applications close on Monday 6 May 2019, 23.59 UK time. 

Find out all the information you need to know to apply to become a member of Future Leaders Connect – the global network of emerging policy leaders.

Applications are open for those aged 18-35 and live in one of the following countries: Canada, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Tunisia, UK and USA. Applications from Egypt and the USA are by invitation only.

New Zealand - Head Of Embassy Fund: Calling For Proposals 2018/2019 Round 2 (Closing Date: 1 April 2019)

The New Zealand Embassy in Jakarta is calling for proposals for the Head of Embassy Fund 2018/19 (Round 2). The Head of Embassy Fund supports small scale, short-term community projects that contribute to wider community well-being. Maximum funding available is NZ$25,000 for individual projects that are maximum 24 months duration. The deadline for proposals is 4.00 pm on 1 April 2019.

Kennedy Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program

Kennedy Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program is a full scholarship program funded by the U.S. Department of State, awarded to Indonesian High School students, with an aim to bridge mutual understanding between countries with significant Muslim population and American people.  The YES Program was established in 2003, and has sent more than 1000 Indonesian students. Since 2009, American high school students also got the same opportunity.

Expression of interest: Development of KIAT Guru Mobile Phone Application & Management Information System (KIAT App & MIS)

Dalam rangka meningkatkan layanan garis depan di sektor pendidikan, sejak tahun 2016 Bank Dunia telah memberikan bantuan teknis kepada Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (TNP2K), dibawah Sekretariat Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia, dan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan akuntabilitas guru melalui program KIAT Guru Tahap 1 (KGP1). Hasil evaluasi dampak KGP1 menunjukkan adanya dampak positif dari implementasi program KIAT Guru di 5 Kabupaten intervensi.

Language and Social Hierarchy Workshop on address and self-reference in Southeast Asia

Research on address and self-reference in Southeast Asian languages has highlighted the dominance of a hierarchical, kinship-based model. Hierarchy manifests itself in people’s sensitivity to age and generational, institutional and socio-economic differences.

Studies of person reference in interaction have shown that the hierarchy-based system is as fixed as it is dynamic. While the terms for indexing age and generation within the same family are not alterable, people can negotiate positioning through alternative strategies.

Invitation to RFP: “Measuring the Cost of Violence against Women (VAW) in Indonesia: Unit Costing and Impact Study in six Local Governments” (Retender)

Request for Proposal (RFP)

Title of Service / Activity    :    “Measuring the Cost of Violence against Women (VAW) in Indonesia: Unit Costing and Impact Study in six Local Governments"

Location                          :     Indonesia

RFP Reference No.            :    MAMPU RFP-2019-002

Latest Submission Date     :    12 March 2019  
