
Calling for bids in Indonesia: Modern slavery programme

The British Embassy Jakarta is launching a call for bids for its 2018/19 programme tackling modern slavery, forced labour and human trafficking.

he UK government is committed to the eradication of all forms of modern slavery by 2030, as unanimously adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in 2015.

This year, we are particularly interested in project proposals aiming towards the following outcomes:

Call for Project Proposals The Alumni Grant Scheme (AGS)

Alumni Grant Scheme
The Australian Embassy is pleased to announce a call for project proposals under the Alumni Grant Scheme (AGS). The AGS aims to strengthen Australia-Indonesia linkages and encourage alumni to leverage their experience and knowledge, put their ideas into action and create meaningful change. The AGS offers seed funding, on a competitive basis, for initiatives that create impact in your professional field, organisation and community.

The objectives of the AGS are:

Pengajuan Proposal Klaster Inovasi 2018

Direktorat Sistem Inovasi, Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Inovasi memberi kesempatan kepada Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi bekerja sama dengan Perguruan Tinggi mitra daerahnya untuk mengajukan proposal program Pendanaan Perumusan dan Pendampingan Klaster Inovasi Tahun 2018.

Pengusulan proposal dilakukan dengan memperhatikan beberapa ketentuan sebagai berikut:

Proposal yang disampaikan harus sesuai dengan format pada buku panduan (link terlampir)
Proposal hardcopy dikirim sebanyak 4 (empat) rangkap dan ditujukan kepada:

Request For Proposal (RFP) “Kampanye Publik Pekerja Rumahan”

The Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Gender Equality and Woman Empowerment (MAMPU) Program is a joint initiative by the Government of Indonesia (GOI), represented by the National Planning and Development Agency (BAPPENAS), and the Government of Australia, represented by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).  MAMPU Program goal is to improve the access of poor women in Indonesia to essential GOI’s services and programs in order to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment, and support the achievement the GOI’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to MAMPU

Writers Story 2018: The Story of Us

WRITERS’ SERIES is an annual event presented by The Jakarta Post Writing Center which aims to provide a platform for educators, thinkers, innovators, journalists, activists, writers, branding experts and business professionals to come together and talk about the evolution of stories and storytelling as part of our communication strategy in these modern times.

DOCS BY THE SEA 2018 Calls for Projects

Calls for Projects

DOCS BY THE SEA is calling for brave, innovative, and most compelling documentary projects of all forms from Southeast Asian documentary filmmakers. Investigative, creative, experimental, animated, and trans-media documentaries are all accepted. Location and theme of the documentaries are not limited. We are interested in accepting the most fresh, unique, engaging, and never-seen-before works. They can be in development, production, post-production, or post-completion stage.

Request For Proposal Local Entrepreneurship Development Program (LEDPRO)

PUPUK (Perkumpulan Untuk Peningkatan Usaha Kecil) didukung oleh Ford Foundation, mencari :
-Start Up business
-NGO local
di 15 provisi: Aceh, Sumatra Utara, Riau, Jambi, Sumatera Selatan, DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, DIY, Jawa Timur, Bali, NTB, NTT, Kalimantan Barat, Sulawesi Selatan

Untuk menjalankan progam : Local Entrepreneurship Development Program (LEDPro) senilai 250-400 juta.
