
2018 CAS-TWAS President’s Fellowship Programme for Doctoral Candidates Read more at

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) dan The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) melalui Kedutaan Besar Republik Rakyat Tiongkok di Jakarta menyampaikan tawaran program beasiswa tingkat Doktor (S3) dengan tujuan memajukan tingkat iptek di berbagai negara berkembang di dunia yang diperuntukan bagi para pelajar dan akademisi. Calon peserta mendapatkan kesempatan menempuh studi S3 di University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) dan Institutes of CAS diseluruh Tiongkok.

ASEAN Young Business Leaders Initiative

Southeast Asian Agribusiness Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders NZ Visit

The Asia New Zealand Foundation and the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade offers six to eight young Southeast Asian agribusiness entrepreneurs and business leaders the chance to visit New Zealand.

The week-long programme will give participants a better understanding of New Zealand’s world renowned agriculture sector.

Applications close 2 April 2018.

About the trip
Dates: 13-18 June 2018

Short Terms Awards: Renewable Energy Technologies and Policy

Apakah Anda bekerja di sektor energi terbarukan di Indonesia Timur? Andamungkin memenuhi syarat untuk mengikuti kursus singkat “Renewable Energy Technologies and Policy” Australia Awards di Australia. Kursus dua minggu ini terbuka untuk para perwakilan dari pemerintah daerah, perusahaan swasta, badan usaha milik negara, organisasi nirlaba, dan universitas di Indonesia Timur. Pendaftaran untuk beasiswa yang didanai sepenuhnya ini tutup pada tanggal 18 Maret.

Applications for New Zealand Scholarships are open!

Applications for New Zealand Scholarships are open!

A New Zealand Aid Programme Scholarship will empower you with the knowledge, skills and qualifications to contribute to the development of your country.

The New Zealand Government, through the New Zealand Aid Programme, provides scholarships to people from developing countries to undertake development-related studies at a tertiary education institution in New Zealand or the Pacific.

Edwin Munro Scholarship in Agricultural Science

Edwin Munro Scholarship in Agricultural Science

Available to:

  1. Future Student
  2. Current Student

Level of study:
Postgraduate Coursework

Year of study:
1st year


  1. Australian and Permanent Residents or NZ citizens
  2. International student

The purpose of the scholarship is to support high achieving students undertaking the first year of study in a postgraduate science program following earlier completion of the undergraduate agricultural science program.

Future Leaders Connect

Future Leaders Connect adalah jaringan global untuk para calon pemimpin muda di bidang pembuatan kebijakan. Kini kami menerima pendaftaran dari mereka yang berusia 18-35 tahun dan tinggal di Indonesia, Kanada, Mesir, India, Kenya, Meksiko, Maroko, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tunisia, Inggris, dan Amerika Serikat.

Daftar, dan raih kesempatan untuk pergi ke Inggris selama sembilan hari untuk bertemu pemimpin tingkat dunia di London dan Cambridge.

Apakah Anda orangnya? Cari tahu lebih lanjut di

Beasiswa Short Course Australia Awards - Renewable Energy Technologies And Policy


Australia Awards Indonesia mengundang anda yang berkiprah dalam sektor energi terbarukan untuk mendaftar dalam Studi Singkat berdurasi dua minggu di Australia yang berlangsung pada bulan Agustus 2018.

Studi Singkat ini membuka peluang untuk berbagi pengetahuan antara instansi pemerintahan daerah, perusahaan swasta, Badan Usaha Milik Negara serta Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat.

YSEALI Critical Thinking in Classrooms Regional Workshop in Thailand Now Accepting Applications

YSEALI Critical Thinking in Classrooms Regional Workshop in Thailand Now Accepting Applications

Bangkok, February 13, 2018 — The Asia Foundation is now accepting applications for the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Critical Thinking in Classrooms Regional Workshop sponsored by the U.S. Department of State through the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok. This regional workshop will take place from May 21-26, 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand, and bring together 60 participants from ASEAN countries.
